On January 14, 1814 the famous Imperial Library was opened in St. Petersburg. It immediately became Russia’s first public institution of this kind. In today’s review we will tell you about TOP-8 most unusual and iconic libraries in the Russian Federation.
National Library of Russia. Saint Petersburg
The idea to open a public library in Russia appeared in the mid-eighteenth century. However, only in January, 1814 the first such institution opened its doors to visitors. Now the National Library of Russia is one of the largest libraries in the world. The fund of the library is almost 37 million items, including Ostrom Gospel (1056-1057) and Voltaire’s personal library.
Russian State Library (Lenin State Library). Moscow
The most famous and the largest library in Russia is Russian State Library. Now its official name sounds like “Russian State Library”, but the public still know it as “Lenin Library” or simply “Leninka.” The fund of the institution is 44.8 million. The total length of its book shelves is 275 kilometers.
- N. Yeltsin Presidential Library, St. Petersburg,
- N. Yeltsin Presidential Library is located in St. Petersburg. It is considered to be the most beautiful library in Russia. After all, it is located in the present palace of a former Senate and Synod, which was built in the Empire style in 1829-1834 by architect Carlo Rossi.
The Russian State Library For Youth. Moscow
Young people do not want to go to academic libraries, where a severe librarian is always ready to kill anyone who dares talking in a library. They need such institutions, which take into account their needs. Thus, the Russian State Library for Youth is a fully modernized and controlled church of books. The design of this library is the most modern and informal, and the emphasis is placed on the media content.
National Library of the Chechen Republic
Chechnya has been actively recovering from two wars that have befallen the republic after the collapse of the USSR. One of the most significant events of a new, peaceful life in Grozny was the opening in the spring of 2013 of the National Library of Chechnya. Its building has been recognized as the most beautiful building in the North Caucasus.
Mobile Library in Vladivostok airport
Airport is a place where you can stay for a few hours, or even days. To brighten up the passengers waiting for a flight at the airport the mobile library was opened in Vladivostok airport. It is a place where everyone can connect to the Internet and download one or more of two hundred books available in the archive.
A free library in a phone booth. Irkutsk
In December, 2012 one of the most unusual libraries in Russia opened in Irkutsk. It is located in two old phone booths, which have long ceased to perform its direct functions. Now within these objects shelves for books are installed. Everyone can take a favorite book and bring some other one in return.
Library of comic books. Saint Petersburg
Library of comic books is a joint project of the Interdistrict Centralized Library System. The aim of this institution is to promote not only comics, but also literature as such. For example, in the Library has recently hosted an event dedicated to comics based on Dostoevsky’s works.