After approval of the plan in the city council Acer (read), the councilor for welfare Laura Rossi at a press conference takes stock of housing policies put in place by the City in the face of the housing compounded by the continuing crisis. Among the users of municipal services home, 60% are in fact new families entered the network of support as a result of job loss or difficulty maintaining the house with only one income.
Hence the extraordinary plan prepared by the City and that Acer provides that the subsidiaries Parma residential and Casadesso are lifted to bring together all of the assets of housing in Acer. “The reliance Acer to all properties – says Laura Rossi – will maximize users’ access in different housing types and to recover the accommodation will cease once the need for the direct support of the City.”
The new strategy of the welfare of the City is based on the recovery of existing housing rather than on the construction of new buildings. Acer will provide you with the plan at the completion of blocked sites belonging to Parma residential and Casadesso through an advance of € 6.5 million (of which 6 from Acer and 1.5 by the City).
This operation will be 46 new public housing units available that add up to 36 emergency shelters in addition, to the 111 already earmarked for social-housing construction (with rents in the offer) and the first 98 of Parma Social Housing which will be awarded later this year. Applications received for 1300 Psh are, however, which sum up to the 1804 announcement of 2012 for apartments Erp and 400 for emergency housing now under consideration in committee.